How do I renew my books online?
We are currently updating our library system. Renewal is not available at this time.
Customers cannot renew a book if the book has reached the maximum number of renewals,
if there are holds on the book, or if it is too soon to renew the book (more than
7 days remain in the current loan period.
Does the library have textbooks that are used in PT电子 courses?
While the library may occasionally have a textbook that is being used in a PT电子 course,
as a general rule we do not order textbooks for the circulating collection. We do,
however, have some textbooks on course reserve located at the Information Services
Course Reserve
Print materials, available at the Information Services Desk, may be checked out for
two hours, (in library use only), one day, or five days. Applicable overdue fines
will be assessed (20 cents the first hour overdue; 10 cents each additional hour;
including hours that the library is closed). If the item is not returned by the end
of the semester, $115 will be billed to the borrower’s account. If the item is not
returned within 30 days after the item is billed, no credit is given. Items available
for overnight check out periods may be checked out one hour before the library closes
and must be returned one hour after the library opens the next day.
Online reserve materials are available via the library's online catalog and may be accessed at any time. Most items are in the portable document format (PDF)
and require the free Adobe Reader software to view and print the information. For additional information, contact Annette
Vincent at or 870-460-1381.
Free Databases Available while in other states:
Texas: TexShare Databases available through public libraries.
Louisiana: Louisiana Library Connection available through public libraries.
Mississippi: MAGNOLIA databases available through public libraries.
Tennessee: Tennessee Electronic Library is available through public libraries and
their online portal.
Missouri: no similar programs
Oklahoma: EBSCOHost available through all public libraries.
Some additional resources may also be available through their public library.